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Dear Editor,

Pesach is a wonderful holiday and a time for family togetherness. Many travel and take their large families to outings and trips. May I use this forum to appeal to the community: Please make sure that everyone is well-behaved and not pushing, shoving, yelling or littering. This is a special chag but it can also be an opportunity to create either a chillul Hashem or kiddush Hashem. Too often, I have seen others shake their heads as some of us have gotten a bid rowdy and unaware of our surroundings. Let’s use this special time to make a kiddush Hashem everywhere we go.

Gizella Moskovitch

Dear Editor,

I am really enjoying your new recipe column by Naomi Hazan.  Her recipes are so applicable and look so yummy in the photos.  In my excited haste to try her Moroccon Cigar dish, I accidently purchased egg rolls instead of the specified spring rolls. I didn’t make them yet, since I didn’t want ruin the recipe. Can I substitute spring rolls for egg rolls?

Talia Schwartz

Naomi responds: Thank you! Yes, you can – just make sure you stuff with more meat as the eggroll dough is twice as thick as the spring roll wrappers. 

Dear Editor,

Yitty Bercovic’s column (Musings, Issue 42) brought back a flood of memories of being a teenager who, like her, was all-consumed by the Gulf War as it waged halfway around the world all those years ago. I remember clearly the worry, prayer, and close following of the news followed by jubilation when it was all over. It really does feel like yesterday. Her reminder of the miracles we experienced back then sent a timely reminder right before Purim. May we merit to witness many more miracles in our days.

Y. Rubin

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