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Dear Readers,

Although you are likely deep in the throes of Pesach preparation at the moment, I write this just after Parashas Ki Sisa. In the parasha, we find the word v’nosnu, “and you shall give,” in connection with donations to the Mishkan. As I’ve heard Rabbi Paysach Krohn point out, the word v’nosnu is a palindrome, spelled the same way backwards and forwards. This teaches us a great lesson of giving: when you give, you will always get back. On that note, I would like to encourage you to participate in the JCCMP’s Pesach food distribution on Sunday, April 2 at Marine Park Jewish Center, where food will be distributed to 175 families to enhance their Yom Tov. Sign up at jccmp.org/donate. https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif

This past month was action-packed at the JCC.  We had a truly inspiring event, hosting 200 Holocaust survivors, a singles event that attracted over 300 individuals, and a fantastic mission to Albany on March 7, where a delegation of 25 people met with close to a dozen elected officials and we had the honor of being recognized on the floor of the New York State assembly. We also hosted a very successful and informative eldercare conference on March 19. I’d like to thank some of the people who make these projects possible every year, including the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty, and of course you, the concerned members of our community who donate your time, money and effort so we can help so many people.

I’d like to wish all of our readers a wonderful Pesach.

Warm regards,

Shea Rubenstein


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