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Dear Readers,

A new year comes with new beginnings and new ideas to make things even better.

We at the JCCMP are always looking for ways to foster a sense of community. We are blessed to work with great Rabbanim who put their hearts and souls into this kehillah. Our simchah hall serves as a gorgeous backdrop for the happy occasions of our friends and neighbors. Our challah bake, Motzoei Shabbos program, and myriad other projects serve to unite and inspire so many.

We are thrilled to feature the new JCCMP Family Library in this month’s issue. What a milestone! Whether it’s for reading in a great space, borrowing books, using VR goggles to tour the Beis Hamikdash, or just enjoying the games, the library has already become an anchor for families to come together. We’re excited to introduce Rechyl Weg, our dedicated librarian, within these pages, and to show you the remarkable space we’ve created. There’s a host of incredible programs and classes coming your way, thanks to the meticulous and creative planning of our program director, Aviva Rand. It’s an incredible way to welcome the new year with infinite possibilities for growth on so many levels.

Let’s continue to grow together as a community – with your participation, of course!

May the new year continue to bring endless brachah to all of Klal Yisrael, including our own community and every family and individual within its folds.

Warm regards,

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