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Dear Readers,

Over the past year and a half, there have been many events organized to bring us together. Recently, the community has stepped up in their aim to unite the neighborhood in a positive way. I’ve seen this in the form of Hachnasas Sifrei  Torah, shiurim, and other affairs. We need these types of local events so that we can continue to strengthen and solidify our communal bond.

A few weeks ago, the JCCMP held its annual Challah Bake for over 300 women and girls, both observant and non-observant. We flew in Rebbetzin Yaffa Palti from Miami to inspire and teach challah braiding, together with singing and dancing.  What a kiddish Hashem, and what a way to bring people together.

When we act positively, we receive the same in return. The word in the Torah for giving is “v’nosnu” and in Hebrew the word is a palindrome, teaching us that when you give, you get back.

Let’s continue to create and join great events, spreading positivity. If the world was able to go into negativity over the past 18 months, think about how much more can we accomplish with chessed and positivity. 


Wishing you a most freilichen Chanukah. 

Warm regards,

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