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Dear Readers,


Are you ready for your rating? When you take an Uber not only do you have the ability to rate the driver, but they also have a rating system for customers, so whether you realize it or not, you’re being rated as well.

As Rosh Hashanah approaches and we want to make sure that Hashem gives us a five-star rating for the coming year, we have to remember to give the Driver a five star rating in our lives. One way to do that is by being dan l’chaf zechus, judging all of Hashem’s precious children favorably. 

A rabbi was in an Uber not long ago when the driver told him that the air-conditioning was broken but he could lower the window for fresh air. At first, he was upset because it was 90 degrees outside with very high humidity. The first thing that ran through his mind was the rating that he would be giving her when the ride was over. But when he thought about the fact that he, too, would be rated it got him thinking.  He thought to himself, “Perhaps this is a single mom who is making a decision between fixing the AC and putting food on the table for her children.” This perspective helped him be more understanding towards the driver. When he exited the car, he gave her a five-star rating even though he needed some towels to wipe his brow.


Let us remember during the time of judgment (and always) not to judge others, and by not judging others, Hashem will give us a five-star rating in return. 


Kesivah vachasimah tovah!


Warm regards,



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