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Dear Readers,

This is truly breaking news.

We are about to embark on a new project to benefit the greater Brooklyn community, and you’re hearing it here first.

The JCC will be launching a campaign to raise money for a state-of-the-art library. The library will be on the lower level of our building. It will not house thousands of Jewish books, it will also have computers, as well as daily and weekly programming for children, teens, adults, even seniors. 

Since there are not many Jewish libraries in Brooklyn, this will not only serve Marine Park, but also the broader community of Flatbush and Mill Basin. This is an exciting opportunity to do something  together for the people of our neighborhood, and I would love for you to consider donating an item in memory of a loved one, or to be one of the team members who will raise money for this project at the end of this month. 

We’ve built a beautiful simchah hall, have created a resource center, and have launched over 20 other successful projects for the community over the past 12 years. This will be one of our most important projects yet as it will serve every person in this community, from child to adult.   If you would like to become a team member, please email me and we will set you up with your own personalized campaign page.

I thank you for being here for the JCC for the past 12 years, and I look forward to partnering with you on this exciting and much needed venture. 

Let’s do this together.

Warm regards,

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