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Dear Readers,

This Sukkos, our children may ask a similar question to the one they’ve asked on Pesach: Why is this Sukkos different from all other years?  Why are we davening in a half-empty shul, or in an open tent, or in someone’s backyard? Why do we have fewer – if any – guests? The answer will be somewhat different from the one we provided on Pesach. We will answer our children that we are remembering all the people who lost their lives over the past few months while trying to figure out how to best handle this virus. We are attempting to move past it and looking forward to a new and normal future.

When we daven this year, we will surely be thinking of the words we utter like never before and really mean them even more.

We will be hopeful that we will have an amazing year with all this behind us.

Let us remember that whenever there is a challenge in life, there is always a new opportunity. Let’s take advantage of that and think, be proactive, and daven for a successful year.


Warm regards,



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