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Dear Readers,

Congratulations to Assemblywoman Rodneyse Bichotte for being elected as Democratic county leader of Brooklyn, replacing the great Frank Seddio. Frank has been a great asset to the community in so many ways, and I am sure Rodneyse will continue in his way.

I’m happy to see the initiatives that have been taken in the city, state, and federal levels to address the recent spike of anti-Semitism in our nation. I was most pleased to hear that Attorney General of the United States William (Bill) Bar took the time to visit Brooklyn and speak to community leaders about their concerns.

Councilman Kalman Yeger gave a passionate speech on the floor of the New York City Council calling out some of his colleagues for not doing enough to combat anti-Semitism. He even went so far as to say that some of their actions incite hate. Kalman’s speech was well-received by the Jewish community as we felt our voice heard throughout the city.

In other exciting news, Councilman Chaim Deutsch has recently announced that he will be running for Congress. Deutsch has proven himself time and time again to be a loyal advocate for the community, and I’m sure he will continue to raise important issues and fight very hard, should he win.

It’s important to notice how the landscape in New York City keeps on changing. We have to be part of this politically evolutionary process, and we can be with our votes. Many people in our community think that because their views are more aligned with Republicans, it is better for them to be registered as Republican. They fail to realize that there are almost no Republican primaries, which means that they will ultimately have no say in the majority of elections. This is something to think about. 

As we enter the February chill, I hope you find ways to stay warm. With Tu BiShvat approaching, feel good knowing that spring isn’t too far behind. 

Warm Regards,

Shea Rubenstein

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