Home / Echoes / The-homebodies-hit-the-road


I’m a self-employed graphic designer mom who works more than full-time from home. If my lifestyle were a sport, it would be called “extreme homebodying.” 

I don’t leave my house.  (Two of my kids would love it if I didn’t make them leave, either.)  On a good week, I leave the house once; for food, so we don’t starve.  We haven’t had a car in years, and my kids have school on Sundays, so even on the rare occasions we do leave, we’re never gone for very long.

But COVID-19 wiped out two of my sons’ summer plans, my daughter didn’t have any to begin with, and I am able to work wherever I have internet and a desktop computer.  So I grabbed the opportunity to escape the heat, and the crime, and the chaos of Brooklyn and spend the summer with my sisters and their families at their homes in beautiful north-western Washington State, right on the coast.

We bought a “previously loved” minivan, loaded it with five kids ages nine months to 13 years b”h, our husky-mix rescue pooch, clothing, and approximately half a ton of kosher food.  Then my husband and I took turns driving our “loony-bin-on-wheels”, as I grew to affectionately call it, across the continent to the West Coast and back.

My family was lucky enough to get to visit some spectacular places during our travels.  As a history nerd who was brought up with a great love for America, I was thrilled to be able to share these places and experiences with my children.

And now, in my cameo as magazine-designer-turned-columnist, I am sharing some of the best pictures with you!  I hope you enjoy, and maybe even get inspired to get out and see some of the greatest country on G-d’s Green Earth.  Take it from me – you’ll find it was well worth leaving the house! 

Beautiful rock textures, colors, and formations at Badlands National Park, South Dakota

Teddy Bear Cove, a lovely place to play and relax in the Pacific Ocean of Washington.


Lifelong bucket list item – check!  The view of the exquisite Mount Rushmore from the road.


The aqua-blue waters of Diablo Lake in the North Cascades National Park, Washington.


The hour and a half wait was worth watching Old Faithful do her thing in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming.


The spectacular colors of  the Grand Prismatic (hot mineral) Spring in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming. 

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