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7 Tips to Eliminate Stress at Work

  1. Prioritize – Learning how to prioritize is not always easy, but it is vital.  Write a to-do list and organize each item according to its importance.  You can feel good when you check things off the list knowing you are on track.

  2. Just Breathe – If you feel yourself getting stressed or angry, take a minute to step back and take a deep breath before reacting.  Think things through and really assess the situation.  Keeping a calm demeanor is good for everyone.

  3. Avoid Negative People – Are there people in your life that like to sabotage others?  Saboteurs can be co-workers, friends or family members who will unknowingly drain you with their negativity.  You also want to try to avoid people who are too demanding of your time and energy.  

4. Take Breaks – Taking frequent breaks, even if it is just for five minutes.  Listen to some music or get up from your desk and take a stretch.  Step outside for some fresh air and get the blood flowing through your legs.  Take a brisk walk.

5. Plan A Trip – You might not currently have the ability to take a vacation, but if you plan for a trip in advance, you are more likely to take it.  Do not use the excuse that you are just “too busy” to get away.

  6. Just Say No – Know your limits. If you cannot possibly take on any more work, then politely say no.  If you say yes to everything and you cannot handle it all, you are not going to have the time or the energy to do your best, your work will suffer, and you run the risk of burnout.  

7. Take Care Of You –  It might seem counter-intuitive to add something to your already giant to-do list, but working out and eating properly should be a #1 priority.  The time when we are the most stressed is precisely when we need proper nutrition. Think ahead, plan your meals and schedule a time to exercise.  


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