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Tu BiShvat

And when the world looks pristine, all dressed in winter white

 When against the pale skies are branches laced with ice

It’s then that magic all unfolds beneath the powdery earth

As dormant roots begin to stretch and ready for rebirth

On tables filled with bounty, with fruits of every shade

We celebrate the trees’ cornucopian parade

While icy chill and frigid gusts bellow from outside

We recognize that winter’s ‘bout to end its terror ride

And thus we send a message as we bask in nature’s treats

That even in the coldest times, there will yet be some heat

Every winter’s followed by the spring, then summer’s rays

And every dark and stormy night is followed by the day

There’s hope and faith spread out right there, amid our fruitful feast 

A lesson borne beneath the ground, the message of the trees. 

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