Home / Echoes / Echoes-38


Esther Hester


Bracha Goetz


A hidden woman

With a plain face.

No make-up.

Not the slightest trace.

There was no need.

It was radiantly clear.

Her beauty was profound.

No others came near.

Qualities fine and rare,

And the king wanted each.

Drawn to true royalty,

Realms above his reach.


Still a hidden woman

She did remain.

Despite the fact

That the world was insane.

She saved all her People

In her quiet, pure way,

Like the great, hidden women,

Saving us all today.


A crowded apartment –

A kingdom in disguise.

Inside the truth reigns.

Outside – countless lies.

Whether sorting through laundries,

To regally dress her lot,

Or nobly being happy,

With whatever she’s got,

A great radiance builds,

From the mitzvas unseen.

A hidden Jewish woman,

The most beautiful queen.


Bracha Goetz is the author of 41 children’s books and a candid memoir for adults about her journey to joy in Judaism: www.goetzbookshop.com


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