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What’s Your Favorite Jewish Podcast?


Inspirational Moments. The host interviews exceptional people like Libby Weiss. She  was featured a couple of  weeks ago in the Jewish Home


Eli Stefansky’s MDY. I’m not sure if this falls under the category of a podcast, but I try to tune in everyday and learn the Daf Yomi. Rabbi Stefansky makes learning a complex piece like the Daf Yomi approachable and easy with his side stories and funny jokes and props.  I don’t feel like my days is complete unless I listen to him every day. 


Kosher Money: This is not a boring podcast that tells you how to invest and save money, rather the hosts interviews interesting people and professionals educating their audience on how they can survive financially living a frum lifestyle with a large family.  The host doesn’t shy way from controversial topics like:  “Why is Yeshiva Tuition so High?” How the Ric Avoid Paying Taxes,”  and “Jewish Poverty in America.” 


Living L’chaim. It’s the largest Jewish podcast network in the world. With shows covering a wide range of topics like  finance, mental health, family,  and music. I put it on in while I’m driving and it really makes the time go by faster while sitting in traffic. I always come away so inspired by the stories shared. 


Meaningful People:  Nacho Gordon and Momo Bauman always interview such interesting  Jewish personalities like Ben Shapiro, Charlie Harary,  Rabbi Berel Wein, and even Uncle Moishy. There is a reason why they have 88 million YouTube views. I have even replayed some of my favorite episodes more than once.


Not Your Typical Podcast with Charlene Aminoff: I love how this podcast is super real about issues we may be facing in parenting and child rearing. Charlene interviews people I would personally love to sit down with like Shimi Adar and Alexandria Fleksher. But she also interviews people like her husband and her mother to talk about interesting topics like biggest regret, controlling, anger, shalom bayis, and shidduchim issues. I like how the focus is always on being positive and bringing more light into the world.  

Inspiration for the Nation:  Yaakov Langer always interviews the most amazing people and  shares the most inspirational stories. My whole family can enjoy this podcast. We will often listen to it during the week separately and then discuss it over the Shabbos table.  What I love about this podcast is that it covers light and heavy interviews. For example,  a few months ago he interviewed Yisroel and Sara Gutovich who had quadruplets after being  told they can’t have kids. I got to learn more about popular social media influencer  Miriam Ezagui and what goes into making her widely seen TikTok videos.   But then he also has deeper interviews like the one with Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser, a world-renowned speaker and teacher at Aish HaTorah who discusses the matrix, or the one with William Mehrvaz, a young man who ultimately converted to Judaism after leaving his Muslim roots and family behind in Tehran, Iran. 


Totally Unexpected!:  I just recently got into this podcast. It’s headed by Chavie Bruk,  who  is a shlucha  with her husband Rabbi Chaim Bruk in Montana.  She talks about her life as the mother of five adopted children.  She interviews random people who have amazing stories to share.  I highly recommend to anyone who needs a daily pick me up. 




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