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What Does Teshuvah Mean to You?


Teshuvah means being aware of what you are doing wrong and correcting it by not doing it again.  This requires deep introspection. If done properly, it can be an emotionally taxing endeavor.   

Avarham F.


Teshuvah is about forgiving yourself. We get so caught up in this inner dialogue: Am I a good person? Is what I did bad? Am I bad? Teshuvah is forgiving yourself for past transgressions. If you made a mistake, it’s okay.  Bad behavior should not be excused, but there is no point in beating yourself up over it. Make peace with yourself. Accept who you are. Teshuvah is not just about you and other people; it’s also about your relationship with yourself. 



Teshuvah translates as “to return.” This is when Hashem allows us to wipe away our sins and return to him in a purer state. Shed the old, work on the new, and embrace the right path of life.



Whenever I think of teshuvah, I think about the superficial conversations I had as a little girl when I would walk around to my classmates and ask if they were “mochel” me. 

Blimy S.


Teshuvah is such a deep concept.  I never know if my attempts are accepted.  Did I do all the steps correctly and wholeheartedly? Every Yom Kippur as I watch our Rebbetzin klop Al Cheit, I think this is what teshuvah looks like. 

A Reader

It means identifying areas in my life and behavior that could be improved. It means shedding who I was last year and improving who I am this year. 




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