American Red Cross partnering with Avi Goldstein, CEO of Boro Park JCC to install smoke detectors in Boro Park, Brooklyn Boro President Eric Adams speaking at the podium.
Election night for Councilman-elect Kalman Yeger, with Rabbi Yeruchim Silver, Chaskel Bennet, and Shea Rubenstein.
Shea Rubenstein of the JCC of Marine Park being interviewed by news channel 12 regarding the new stop sign at the corner of Ryder St. and Ave. P.
The JCC giving free computer classes throughout the month of November in QuickBooks, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Special thanks to Councilman Chaim Deutsch.
Yitzchok Saftlas of Bottom Line Marketing in Marine Park celebrating their 25th anniversary.
Councilman Kalman Yeger, Councilman Mark Treger, Councilman Chaim Deutsch, Councilman Mark Levine, and David Mandel, CEO of Ohel, at the Ohel dinner.
Father and son learning at the Kingsway Jewish Center.
Senator Marty Golden of Marine Park at the police command center.
Judge Ruchy Freier being honored at Touro College.
Assemblywomen Jamie Williams, and Ian Gershak distributing kosher Thanksgiving turkeys, sponsored by the JCC of Marine Park.