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Community Highlights

Councilman Deutsch’s Bill on Advance Notice of Street Closings Signed into Law

Last month, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio signed City Councilman Chaim Deutsch’s bill, Intro 1311, into law. Intro 1311 mandates the NYC Department of Transportation provide advance notice of street closures to the NYPD and the FDNY.   When a police officer, firefighter, or emergency medical provider is responding to a 911 call, every second counts. When they are confronted by an unanticipated street closure, it can add precious minutes to their response time. Deutsch’s bill will combat this by ensuring that police, medics, and firefighters are given two days warning before a full street closure. This will offer them the opportunity to prepare alternate routes in advance thereby avoiding areas with anticipated closures and congestion.

“With the signing of Intro 1311, we have taken another step towards ensuring that our first responders are able to quickly answer emergency calls. An immediate response is critical in these situations – an injury could be exacerbated, a fire could spread, or a volatile situation could escalate if emergency services do not make it to the scene expeditiously,” said Councilman Chaim Deutsch.

Mommy’s HopeLine Offers Support During Postpartum Depression

In conjunction with COJO of Flatbush, JCCMP runs a confidential hotline designed to assist new mothers suffering from postpartum depression. Run by professional staff and trained volunteers, Mommy’s HopeLine offers support, resources and psychiatric referrals for mothers and fathers in the community who are affected by postpartum depression. Mommy’s HopeLine also provides more extensive case management and organizes meals and home care assistance for those who require more widespread support. Through Mommy’s HopeLine, the JCCMP hopes to raise community awareness of this mental health issue.  For more information or assistance, please call 718-252-6034.

Rabbi Paysach Krohn Returns to Marine Park as Scholar-in-Residence

Men and women in Marine Park and surrounding neighborhoods took advantage of a special visit to our community by Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn, renowned mohel, author and lecturer considered by many to be the maggid of the English-speaking Jewish world. Orchestrated by the Jewish Community Council of Marine Park, Rabbi Krohn’s visit took place on May 12-13, Shabbos Parashas Emor. On Friday night, Rabbi Krohn spoke at Ner L’Meiah on the topic of “Making Sefira Count.” On Shabbos morning, Rabbi Krohn offered insights at Merkaz Yisroel, Marine Park Jewish Center on the subject of “Repairing our Image.” On Shabbos afternoon, Rabbi Krohn addressed the topic “Rekindling our Inner Flame” for women at KhalTiferes Mordechai D’Bertch , and discussed “Rekindling our Inner Flame” for men at Khilah Marine Park.

Amudim and OHEL Event Addresses Addiction and Abuse  

More than 700 men and women came to an event hosted by Amudim in conjunction with OHEL in order to learn more about the unprecedented threats facing the Jewish Orthodox community, while thousands more across the country participated through an online live stream. Explaining the importance of making the community aware of the need to get help and not worry about how such news would affect their social standing or hinder their children from getting good shidduchim, Rabbi Zvi Gluck, director of Amudim said, “Too many times we’ve had people literally choose death over life because they were too scared to get help.”

Yeshiva Ohr Yisrael Celebrates Chai Anniversary Dinner

Yeshiva Ohr Yisrael, a premier makom Torah in Marine Park under the dedicated guidance of Rabbi Avraham Nesanel Zucker, Rosh Yeshiva and Rabbi Raphael Bernstein, menahel of the Mesivta, celebrated its Chai Anniversary Dinner at the Kingsway Jewish Center on May 24. The event was an opportunity for past alumni, parents and community members to demonstrate their appreciation for the accomplishments and contributions of the yeshivah to the spiritual enrichment of our community. Organized by Dinner Chairman Shimmy Hersko and enlivened by Master of Ceremonies Shlimy Zelcer, the evening was highlighted by the presentation of Guests of Honor Award to Mr. and Mrs. Josh Eisenberger. Also honored were Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Jearolmen (Kesser Shem Tov Award), Mr. and Mrs. Avi Spitzer (Parents of the Year) and Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Aharon Adler (Alumnus of the Year.)

Hundreds Participate in Third Annual
OXC – OHEL Xtreme Challenge Classic

Hundreds of men, women and families undertook last month’s Third Annual OXC – OHEL Xtreme Challenge Classic – that was held at the beautiful site of Camp Kaylie! The participants ran, climbed, jumped, crawled, and muscled their way through the Xtreme 5-mile and 1.5-mile obstacle courses. Separate start times/waves for elite, men, women, teams, and families were available. Every participant eagerly challenged their bodies and tested their limits in support of children and adults with disabilities that face immense challenges daily.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars were raised to help support the vital life-changing programs of OHEL.

Alan Dershowitz at Kingsway Jewish Center

Alan Dershowitz, former Harvard law professor, was guest speaker at the Kingsway Jewish Center on May 22    to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem. A political liberal and noted commentator on the Arab-Israeli conflict, he has since his retirement from Harvard Law School served as a regular CNN contributor and political analyst. Among his books is the best-selling  The Case for Israel (2003).

 Pirchei Agudas Yisroel  54th Annual National Siyum

Over 1,100 boys from the tri-state area converged last month at the Kol Yaakov Hall in Brooklyn for the 54th annual Pirchei Agudas Yisroel national  Mishnayos siyum  in memory of  Rabbi Yehoshua Silbermintz, zt”l. The event combined both important Torah education and entertainment, emphasizing the pleasure and fun one can gain from learning Mishnayos. Among those addressing the Pirchei members were: Rabbi Hershel Zolty, Rosh Yeshiva of the Mirrer Yeshiva; Rabbi Chaim Dovid  Zwiebel, executive vice president of Agudas Yisroel of America and Rabbi Ephraim Levi, national director of Pirchei Agudas Yisroel. Master storyteller Rabbi Yitzy Erps, himself a former member of Pirchei, enlightened  the large audience with his classic Pirchei stories. An inspiring audio-visual presentation on the life of Harav Hagaon Chaim Yisroel Belsky was also shown to those boys who attended the Mishnayos siyum.

Yeshivas Ruach Chaim 22nd Annual Dinner

Hundreds of boys and young men in our community have over the past 22 years gained an excellent Torah and academic education at Yeshiva Ruach Chaim under the guidance of Rabbi Simcha HaKohen Klor, Rosh Yeshiva and Rabbi Yeedle Berkowitz, menahel. Hundreds of parents, alumni and supporters attended the yeshivah’s annual dinner on May 28 at the Young Israel of Avenue K to demonstrate both their appreciation for past achievement of the yeshivah as well as their confidence for the future. Mr. and Mrs. Ariel Bugayer were presented as  Parents of the Year, Rabbi and Mrs. Nesanel Kasnett were honored as Grandparents of the Year,” and the Keser Shem Tov award was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Avrohom Teicher. Both Mr. Dovid Landa and Mr. Chanoch Horowitz served as Dinner Chairman.

At Yeshiva Ruach Chaim’s eighth grade Yom Iyun in Staten Island

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