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Community Highlights 

Daniel Keren


New York Post Article Praises Deputy Chief Richie Taylor 

The New York Post, America’s oldest continuously published daily newspaper, published a profile on NYPD’s  Deputy Chief Richie “Yechiel” Taylor.  Reporter Doree Lewak wrote: “This cop’s a mentch on a mission.” The headline invited readers to “Meet the NYPD’s highest-ever-ranking Orthodox Jew – a 9/11 hero who vows to fight antisemitic hate crime.” Taylor, since February, has served as the deputy chief of the NYPD Community Affairs Bureau, the department’s sixth-highest post. In the article, Taylor, who lives in Marine Park with his wife and five daughters, told the reporter that he and the NYPD officers are committed to making all New Yorkers, especially Jewish residents, feel safe – “I lead by example – I wear my yarmulka in uniform. Your NYPD has your back!”


Flatbush Hakhel Labor Day Event 


The annual Hakhel Flatbush Labor Day Yarchei Kallah Event at Agudath Israel of Madison officially brought the summer season to an end as parents got ready for another school year and Jews around the world prepared for the Yomim Nora’im. Five of Flatbush’s most prominent rabbis gave chizuk to those in attendance. Rabbi Elya Brudny, Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivas Mir Brooklyn, offered essential lessons for this Elul. Rabbi Meyer Yedid, Rav of Congregation Shaare Zion, spoke on how best to utilize Elul. Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff discussed how to make this year’s teshuvah different. Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, Rav of the host shul, gave a lecture on the Abarbanel on Keitz Hagalus. Rabbi Maimon Elbaz of Torah Shows delivered an amazing audio-visual presentation on how to be a living kiddush Hashem.


Senator Felder Announces, “Your Child Tax Credit Check is in the Mail”


The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance has sent more than 1.5 million supplemental Child Credit payments. The Empire State Child Credit supplement provides relief payments up to $330 per child, and taxpayers do not need to do anything to claim it. The Tax Department will automatically calculate the additional payment based on tax returns and mail a check. “At a time when so many families are struggling to make ends meet, it is very important that people look out for this check in the mail so that they don’t miss it or assume it’s a scam and throw it out,” said Senator Simcha Felder. The program is available to families in which a single filer earns up to $75,000 per year; married couples filing jointly can earn up to $110,000. Taxpayers who qualified for a minimum of $100 for the Empire State Child Credit for tax year 2023 will qualify for payments ranging from 25% to 100% of their previous Child Tax Credit, based on income.


Brooklyn Homeowners Must Buy Official NYC Bins  

Beginning November 12, the New York City Department of Sanitation will require single-homes, two-family homes, and buildings with up to nine apartments to acquire official NYC Bins with secure lids to avoid painful penalty fines. These bins are designed to prevent rodents from opening garbage bags that are not secured. While the NYC Dept. of Sanitation would prefer that residents purchase bins for recyclable trash, it is not as yet required. The official NYC bins can only be purchased online at www.bins.nyc. You can choose a 45-gallon trash bin holding up to 4 kitchen garbage bags for $53.01 or a smaller 35-gallon trash bin holding up to 3 kitchen garbage bags for $45.88. To get the official NYC bins in time, you must order by October 1. If you already have non-official bins with lids, you can use them until June 2026, when one must start using the official NYC bins.


Jewish College Students Tour of Amazon Headquarters


Meor JX, a kiruv organization active on campuses across the Northeast, arranged an unusual tour of Amazon’s New York City headquarters and Web Design Studio for Jewish students learning at Columbia, Rutgers, and NYU. The tour, led by Mr. Ilya Epshteyn, offered unique and valuable insights into the company’s operations. Some Jewish executives spoke of their Jewish heritage’s profound influence on their personal and professional journeys, and they encouraged the Jewish college students on the tour to embrace their precious Jewish heritage as they embark on their future careers.


The Bad Apple Deal Made By the Big Apple’s Public Schools


It was too good of a deal for the NYC Public Schools’ Department of Education’s Office of Food and Nutrition to pass up. The chance came to purchase 279,000 cases of apples at a bargain price of $5,585,580. What made the deal so tempting was that the federal government covered the cost, making it a “free money” deal. Unfortunately, it was enough to last for three years, and there was no way it would remain fresh. Last spring, students were bombarded with two apples for breakfast and another for lunch. Almost all the apples have had to be thrown into the garbage due to spoilage.


Assemblyman Eichenstein Helps Hatzolah Obtain Ambulances

A special ceremony was held at the Flatbush Hatzolah Garage on Ocean Avenue where Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein cut the ribbon in front of three sparkling new Hatzolah ambulances. Chevra Hatzolah CEO Rabbi Yehiel Kalish said, “Simcha was instrumental in helping us navigate the challenges in getting the grants that funded these ambulances. He is a very, very caring public servant for his constituents and the organizations in his constituency, and it is truly an honor to work with him.” The new ambulances will serve the neighborhoods of Flatbush and Boro Park, as well as the Catskills region.


NYC to Install Porous Pavements to Prevent Flooding  

In an attempt to eliminate the constant flooding, sewer backups, and overflow into area waterways, the New York City Department of Environmental Conservation announced a possible solution with plans to install seven miles of porous pavement in Boro Park, Midwood, Kensington, and Sunset Park for $32.6 million, to be completed late next year. DEP Commissioner Rohit T. Aggarwala noted that Brooklyn was particularly hard hit by Storm Ophelia last September. This experiment in the porous pavement will allow millions of gallons of flood waters to sink into the pavement ground instead of overwhelming the sewer systems.


Ivanka Trump Educates Popular Podcaster About Lashon Hara

In a podcast interview with Lex Friedman, Ivanka Trump discussed the important Jewish concept of lashon hara. Friedman asked Ms. Trump how she was able to avoid engaging in responses to those who insulted her. She explained, “I felt that getting into the mud, fighting back, it didn’t run true to who I am as a human being.” She discussed the concept of lashon hara, saying, “[It] is translated into, I think quite literally, evil speech…you can’t really repair it. You can apologize, but you can’t repair it…I’m not willing to pay the price of that fleeting and momentary satisfaction of sort of swinging back, because I think it would be too expensive for my soul.”


JCC Happenings 

JCCMP’s 7th Annual JCON Real Estate Summit 

Over 700 people attended the JCCMP’s 7th annual JCON Real Estate Summit and Expo at the Staten Island Hilton on July 9.  The JCCMP, in partnership with Infinity Land Services,  Act 2 Interiors, LTD.,  Rosenberg & Estis, P.C,  and PDG Building Consultants, hosted the highly anticipated event, drew industry leaders covering many aspects of real estate including insurance, accounting, marketing, financing,  technology and IT, and legalities It featured over 20 vendors with a combined buying power of $5 billion. In addition to networking and mentoring opportunities, the crowd was treated to cigar rolling, an open bar, and a full dinner.  Keynote speakers included Ralph Herzka, founder and senior chairman of Meridian Capital Group; Ira Zlotowitz, founder of Gparency; Tony Fineman, senior managing director of Acore Capital; Marvin Schnee, president of Sundance Real Estate Advisors; and Esther Reizes, founder and CEO of Esther Reizes & Co. Elected officials included Councilman and Democratic Representative of Assembly District 41 Kalman Yeger. 

The JCCMP Family Library Expands!

While you were relaxing over the summer, the JCCMP staff was hard at work updating the library and purchasing 300 newly released books, which are now on display on brand-new expanded shelving. Books that sustained damage from overuse have been repaired and are available for readers’ enjoyment as well. The fall season also brings an expanded schedule, with longer opening hours on Sundays and earlier weekdays, which begin at 4. The JCCMP Family Library is a great after-school destination. When eager readers have finished perusing the books, they can explore the new games and toys available for their enjoyment! 

JCCMP Partners with Plaza for Back-to-School Giveaway

More than 600 people from Marine Park and surrounding neighborhoods gathered outside Plaza Auto Mall on Nostrand Avenue at the start of the new school season for the annual Back-to-School Backpack Giveaway.  Attendees were treated to face painting, rock wall climbing, various games, and delicious treats from two ice cream trucks.  Shea Rubenstein, executive director of the JCCMP, was on hand making sure all who registered got the supplies they needed.  The event was held in partnership with local elected officials, including NY State Senator Roxanne Persaud, Councilmember Rodneyse Bichotte-Hermelyn, Councilmember Farah Louis, Councilmember Inna Vernikov, and State Senator Iwen Chu. It was partially sponsored by COJO of Flatbush. Many parents commented at the event that they were thrilled to receive the sturdy briefcases filled with necessary school supplies. 

JCCMP’s 7th Annual JCON Real Estate Summit 

Over 700 people attended the JCCMP’s 7th annual JCON Real Estate Summit and Expo at the Staten Island Hilton on July 9.  The JCCMP, in partnership with Infinity Land Services,  Act 2 Interiors, LTD.,  Rosenberg & Estis, P.C,  and PDG Building Consultants, hosted the highly anticipated event, which drew industry leaders covering many aspects of real estate including insurance, accounting, marketing, finance,  technology and IT, and legalities It featured over 20 vendors with a combined buying power of $5 billion. In addition to networking and mentoring opportunities, the crowd was treated to cigar rolling, an open bar, and a full dinner.  Keynote speakers included Ralph Herzka, founder and senior chairman of Meridian Capital Group; Ira Zlotowitz, founder of Gparency; Tony Fineman, senior managing director of Acore Capital; Marvin Schnee, president of Sundance Real Estate Advisors; and Esther Reizes, founder and CEO of Esther Reizes & Co. Elected officials included Councilman and Democratic Representative of Assembly District 41 Kalman Yeger. 

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