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Marine Park Sends Sefer Torah to Gaza

Ita Yankovich

They say if you want to get something done quickly, ask a busy person.  Raphael Hazan, who heads the Bnai Raphael Chesed Organization, a local food pantry based in Marine Park, is a prime example.  Hazan has worked tirelessly with his associate Jonathan Terebelo, Bnei Rapahel’s director of development, to donate a sefer Torah to the brave IDF soldiers on the Gaza frontlines on October 7, exactly one year after the horrific tragedy that took place on Simchas Torah. 

The sefer Torah was nearly complete when it was purchased, with only 500 letters left to write. 300 letters were sold; the remaining 200 will be inscribed by IDF soldiers.

Hazan landed in Israel last October 6 for his daughter’s wedding, which had been slated for October 9. Although his daughter did manage to have a chuppah and get married on her scheduled wedding day, the reception was rescheduled for December.  When he returned to the States, Hazan promised himself to find a way to give back to the soldiers who were dealing with the aftermath of the tragedy that unfolded during his visit. 

This is the fifth time that Hazan and Terebelo, in conjunction with Bnei Raphael, have facilitated the donation of a sefer Torah to Israel. A Torah that was donated in 2023 took six years to complete and was funded completely by the community.  “Unlike typical Torahs that are donated by a ‘macher’ this Torah was funded by about 2000 people who donated one dollar or more,” says Hazan. 

The October 7 Torah had a shorter deadline, so Hazan and Terebelo reached out to some larger donors in the area to facilitate the process in time to mark the one-year date. The sefer Torah is already in Israel, awaiting approval from the Rabbinate, who are examining the parchment and inscriptions, making sure all is kosher for the final stages, so the soldiers can complete it on October 7.   

When he found out that soldiers in the North and South needed more tents to make makeshift shuls, Hazan quickly raised funds to purchase them, but he believes that helping soldiers involves both physical and spiritual assistance.  “Tactical gear is very important to protect our chayalim, but just as important is sending in spiritual gear,” Hazan explains. “When the soldiers are protected, we are protected.” 




The third Sefer Torah was donated on December 27th 2023 to the Shura Army Base.

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