Home / Editorial / Letters-to-the-editor-49


Dear Editor,

As a second time new mom (am I still considered a new mom?) I was excited to see your ad for JCCMOMS! I feel privileged to live in Marine Park, where my neighbors arranged for meals and offered their assistance in so many ways after I had my first child. It’s great having support after a birth, and I’m happy to hear that the JCCMP is branching out in that direction. Very excited to receive my gift!

Mindy B.

Dear Editor,

I love, love, love your new food columnist Leah Isaac! Her recipes are quick and easy, and she uses ingredients that we all have in our pantry. I tried her Korean- Style Garlic Bread because we had a bunch of slider buns in the freezer, and it was delicious. 

Sarah S.

Dear Editor,

Last month’s Choose to Shine column made many good points about how to achieve happiness by being thankful for all the good that Hashem does for us – even “mundane” things. Shine touched on examples like breathing and hearing, and I want to add one of my own: the Asher Yatzar brachah. There are people who suffer every day with dialysis or other gastro issues. When I am having a hard day, I stop after using the bathroom and contemplate the “gift” that Hashem has given me. He has allowed me to rid my system of toxins naturally and painlessly.  How can I be in a bad mood after that?

Yitzy A.

Dear Editor,

I thoroughly enjoyed Rabbi Gil Student’s column where he poses the question of whether a husband is required to support his wife. I sometimes joke that because so many women today are the breadwinners, it should be the bride who signs the kesubah at the chuppah. Why should the chossan sign the document when he has no way of abiding by the clauses? Rabbi Student put my argument to rest by sharing that according to Rabbeinu Tam, the husband is not obligated to work to support his wife.  

  1. Abrams

Dear Editor,

Your feature on gaslighting could be misleading. Because the word has become so trendy, everyone throws it around and accuses others of gaslighting them. There are a range of behaviors that can be mistaken for gaslighting. For example, when someone says “that’s not how I remember it” they are most likely not trying to manipulate you. Two people having a disagreement on something doesn’t equal gaslighting. By turning the term into a buzzword, we are diminishing the real victims of gaslighting. 


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