Home / Echoes / Beginnings



Did you know that I get butterflies, too?
Don’t believe my reassurances –
That I was once your age, this is normal,
And you will be fine,
Just fine!
Oh, no, I don’t really mean any of that –
It’s just lip service
It’s me playing the part of Mom –
Really, I’m as terrified as you
Of the big building, and mean kids
and yellow busses that can’t find our street.
It feels familiar, this feeling
Because I had it when you started playgroup
And on your first day of camp.
I should be used to it by now
But oh, I sure am not
Because there it is,
right in the pit of my stomach.
So believe me when I say
That all beginnings are hard
I’m living it, too –
Because each beginning for you
Is a new beginning for me
And your first day of school
Is my first day, too.

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