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Community Highlights

Spectacular Marine Park Back-to-School


Street Fair Scheduled for Labor Day

The Marine Park Jewish Community Center invites the community to a special street fair to celebrate the start of a new and hopefully successful school year! It will take place in front of the JCC building on 3415 Quentin Road on Monday, September 4 from 12 P.M. to 4 P.M. The JCC will hand out  1,000 sparkling new knapsacks and selected school supplies, while supplies last, from 1 to 1:30 P.M and from 3 to 3:30 P.M. The street fair will also include a fascinating magic show at 2 and 3:30 P.M and awesome cotton candy, popcorn and snow cones. Spread the words to your friends!



Director of NY Government Relations at Agudath Israel, Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, touring the construction site of the Culver affordable housing project with Rabbi A. Jaffee of SBCO housing division of Agudath Israel.



Don’t Forget to Vote

One of the most important privileges of American citizenship is the right to vote in free elections. This allows us to express our choices for the candidates who will represent us in city, state and federal government, as well as voting on particular bond issues or referendums that have significant impact on our day-to-day lives. The Jewish Community Council of Marine Park, and other Jewish leaders, urge everyone to vote in 2017 for the primary election on Tuesday, September 12, and the general election on Tuesday, November 7, regardless of what political party you prefer. The politicians in power take notice of voter turnout, and this has a powerful impact on how our communities are treated with regards to our requests for appropriate government funding and assistance on communal issues that arise. While the deadline to register to vote in the primary election has passed, one can still submit by mail an application by October 13 to vote in the November general election or register in person at 345 Adams Street, 4th Floor, downtown Brooklyn up until October 28th. For more details, please call (866) VOTE NYC.


Mazel tov to askan, Rabbi Chanina Sperlin on the marriage of your daughter.  May we continue sharing in each other’s simchos (pictured here with Pinny Ringel of the Mayor’s office)


Brooklyn SAFE Disposal Event Set

The New York City Department of Sanitation will once again offer Brooklyn residents the opportunity to get rid of harmful household products such as solvents, automotive products, flammable items and electronics at a SAFE Disposal Event at the Floyd Bennett Field on Sunday, September 17 from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. (rain or shine). Items that the sanitation department won’t collect from your curb can be brought to Bennett Field by entering Flatbush Avenue and making a left into the main entrance, immediately before the toll bridge. While automotive products, electronics, household products and medical items are welcome, please don’t bring appliances, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, refrigerators or tires. Look for items labeled danger, poison, warning or caution and package them separately; do not mix products. Ensure that products are labeled clearly and lightly seal and package all containers. Syringes and lancets should be packed in “sharps” containers or other leak-proof puncture resistant containers. TVs or computer monitors with broken glass should be placed in separate sealed bags or boxes. Only New York City residential waste will be accepted at the SAFE Disposal Event. No commercial vehicles will be allowed, and residents must provide proof of NYC residency.



Leon Goldenberg hosts acting Brooklyn DEA Eric Gonzalez where they spoke about reducing crime and restoring confidence in our community on 570 am radio 


Felder Birth Certificate Bill

New parents have many blessings to count, but with so much to do in the whirlwind days following the arrival of a newborn, extra time is not one of them. For decades, the New York State Department of Health has allowed only five days after the delivery for new parents to apply for their infant’s birth certificate.

A recent bill co-sponsored by Senators Simcha Felder (D-Midwood) gives new parents an additional 10 days to apply and one less reason to lie awake at night.

“The arrival of a new child is a joyous occasion, but it comes with plenty of stress,” said Senator Felder. “I can’t count the number of problem cases we’ve had over the years as a result of the short application deadline.” Observant Jewish parents, who often wait up to eight days before naming a child, face particular difficulty. The new legislation, now awaiting passage in the Assembly, extends the cutoff to a total of 15 days, three times longer than the original, so new parents have a bit more time to attend to their infant’s needs – and maybe even catch up on some sleep.


Councilman Mark Treyger hosts town hall meeting.


Star K Kashrut Alert on Dole Iceberg Salads

Early last month, the Star-K issued an advisory that due to infestation conditions of the fields, it would not be certifying any Dole iceberg salad for the first week in August, which will most likely extend into the second week of the month. Consumers will, therefore, find that the newer bags of Dole Iceberg salads now in stores do not bear the Star-K symbol. This also applies to several other brands such as Fresh Selections [Kroger], Little Salad Bar [Aldi], and Marketside [Walmart]. The Star-K also advises that even under normal circumstances, there are usually a few lots of salads a week that are not certified due to infestation, and are still sold nationwide without the Star-K symbol. Every bag should always be checked for the Star-K symbol.


Shea Rubinstein recording music for a CD of pre-Holocaust songs, a special project of the JCCMP.  


Tikvah at OHEL Combines Mental Health and Medical Needs 

If you are 18 or older and are seeking one convenient place that can provide you with both your mental health and medical needs, The Marvin Kaylie Tikvah at OHEL Counseling Center has introduced CHAMPS (Coordinated Health and Mental Health Programs and Services). One can enroll in one or all four new services being offered to maximize your well-being: (1) medical services (no insurance necessary) that offer caring primary care physician and nurses who will provide well and sick visits and ongoing health monitoring; (2) free health groups that offer exercise, healthy eating and mindfulness as well as fun and enriching wellness groups; (3) free care coordination providing medical referrals and coordination of all your needs together with your care providers; (4) counseling and psychiatric services available for those with Medicare, Medicaid and most insurances, while sliding scale fees are available on request. For more details, please call (800) 603-OHEL or click www.ohelfamily.org


Major Historic Yahrzeit Promotes Campaign

More than a thousand men from all over Brooklyn came together at a historic yahrtzeit seudah in memory of Tosfos Yom Tov on the sixth day of Elul that also had as its goal promotion of the “Stop the Talking in Shul!” campaign. The program began with divrei hisorerus on kavod hakenesses by Rabbi Yitzchok Sorotzkin and included an inspiring address by Rabbi Noach I. Oelbaum on “The Life and Legacy of the Tosfos Yom Tov” and a live satellite address from Eretz Yisrael on Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz. Those attending the major yahrtzeit event at the Ateres Avrohom Hall were also treated to a lavish dinner with inspirational zemiros by the full Mzamrim Choir and Chazan Tzvi Weiss, cantor of the Jerusalem Great Synagogue.

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